Manicure Monday: Fire Escape Rendezvous, Alpine Snow, Kyoto Pearl & Ice Bergers & Fries


There is a super cute manicure for you guys today! I used Fire Escape Rendezvous (Tiffany’s) this color I used 2 coats it’s a under used color and an over looked color. It does have glitter in so it looks chunky but it smoothes out as you can see in the photo. For the white nail I used 2 coats of Alpine Snow (Beautifuls) with 1 coat of Kyoto Pearl (Romantics) to give it a shimmery background. For the super cute reindeer I used I’ve-Bergers & Fries (Nordic) for the brown body then the same red as the other nails for the nose. I used the artist series black and white for the antlers and the eyes. I used a mix of nail art brushes and dotting tools to create it.I made the body by painting a half circle and ears curing those then filling them in, freehanding the antlers with a brush also, then used dotting tools the for the nose and eyes.

This was such a cute and fun manicure to do 🙂 I Love it and the client did also!!
Click here to find out where to purchase!

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